North Actionsports
North Actionsports

Hailing from the vibrant Italian city of Naples, Italy, Ernesto’s journey into Wingfoiling began with a simple curiosity and a love for the water.

“Naples is an amazing city to see from the sea and I always wanted to stay in the water and live the dream.”

Ernesto’s passion for water sports began with windsurfing at the age of 5. Three years ago, he was about to start a windsurf session when he saw a friend preparing to Wingfoil. “I curiously went to ask him if I could give it a try. He said yes and on my first attempt, I got up on the foil. That day Francesco Coppolino, who saw me Wingfoiling, invited me to his spot that summer to teach me. He gave me a 2-day course, where I learned everything properly, and 2 months later I entered my first race.” 


North Actionsports

- Ernesto de Amicis

What sets Ernesto apart is not just his racing prowess, but his versatility on the water. He excels in pumping and Freestyle, with a myriad of tricks up his sleeve. “I am a very determined person who is ready to make sacrifices to stay on track. I really like helping others. I am very cheerful and kind but at the same time I demand a lot from myself.”


North Actionsports