North Actionsports
North Actionsports

Coming from Warsaw, Poland, Justyna’s opportunities to windsurf were far and few between. Obsession took over the moment she learned to plane at the age of 12. It wasn’t until her postgraduate studies in Perth, Australia that she could pursue windsurfing full-time, bringing her passion, positivity, and perseverance to light.

Having faced multiple serious injuries, 15 broken bones, and the possibility of never windsurfing again (hence nicknamed β€˜Crashtyna’), Justyna believes in going to the extremes to pursue something you love. She’ll go the extra mile just to find perfect conditions for a day, being at just the right place at just the right time. With her head held high, there’s no doubt that Justyna’s stoke, energy, and smiles are both inspiring and contagious.

North Actionsports

Justyna Sniady

North Actionsports
North Actionsports