Foil Editions

Sonar Prime


North SONAR PRIMEAluminium & E-Glass Foil Edition





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We’ve engineered the MAv2 Prime Edition to make your foiling journey easier, get you over the hump faster and shorten your learning curve. It’s the ideal starter kit for progressing in all foil disciplines. Compatible with all North Foil products and fully interchangeable, ... the Prime Edition is made up of our Prime Mid Aspect Front Wing (MA1200v2 to MA2400v2), Freeride/0 Series Stabilizer, A700 Fuselage, Aluminium AF80 Mast and AF Board Adaptor. The Prime pre-preg e-glass construction front wings are engineered from the same moulds as our carbon pre-preg front wings and deliver the same high performance, durability and impact resistance as the carbon pre-preg, at a more accessible price. The Prime Edition comes in a spacious, multi-functional, padded bag with compartments for each component, screws, tools and marine grease. All Sonar Foil Systems are compatible with any foilboard with an industry-standard 165x90mm mast track.  

product code: 85004.250202


  • Mid-aspect foil ideal for progressing in all disciplines
  • High-performance
  • durability and impact resistance at a more accessible price
  • Pitch stable across the entire speed range
  • Controllable early lift and lower stall speed
  • DropBox compatible (165x90mm) foil mounting
  • Torx T40 Tool included
  • only one tool is needed for installation
  • Sonar Marine Grease included – apply prior to assembly
  • Foil-to-board mounting screws sold separately or included with every North Foilboard


  • Prime Pre-preg E-Glass Construction MAv2 Front Wing 
  • All screws are SS316 Stainless Steel M8 Torx T40

Sonar Foil Mast AF80, Sonar S270 Stabilizer with Cover, Sonar A700 Fuselage, Sonar AF Board Adaptor, Sonar Board Adaptor Screw Pack A, Sonar Fuselage Screw Pack B, Sonar Stabilizer Screw Pack C, Sonar T40 Tool, Sonar MAv2 Prime Front Wing with Cover, PE1200: Sonar Wing Screw Pack F (M8x30mm), PE1500: Sonar Wing Screw Pack E (M8x33mm), PE1850/PE2100: Sonar Wing Screw Pack G (M8x35mm), PE2400: Sonar Wing Screw Pack I (M8x40mm), Marine Grease, Sonar Travel Bag

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