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North Riders confirmed for King of the Air 2021

King of the Air 2021 Riders have been announced and the North team are in!

The most talked about rider right now

After landing a world-first Toe Slim to Blind & Toe 313 Rewind in his latest edit 'Light Work',Β Tom BridgeΒ is argubly the most talked about rider in the industry right now.Β 

Tom's style of riding is like no other, he is distinctive, creative and provides a different angle to the sport. Therefore, it came as no surprise that Tom was to be one of the three Wild Card Entries for King of the Air 2021.

KOTA 2020 WOO Highest Jump Winner

Marc Jacobs, winner of the WOO Highest Jump at KOTA last year, and 4th place in the event is locked in for 2021. Marc is known for huge megaloops and ridiculous height. He is a driving force and is ready to have the trophy in his hands come February.Β 

Watch his KOTA 2021 Entry VideoΒ here.Β 

The Most Extreme Move in 2020

Last year's runner up and winner of the Mystic's Most Extreme Move award, the legendaryΒ Nick JacobsenΒ is back with a vengeance.Β 

Coming in the top 3 in KOTA 2020, Nick was not required to submit an entry video this year.

Check out his extreme move in his KOTA 2020 highlight videoΒ hereΒ and find out how Nick 'becomes a warrior at King of the Air'Β here.

The King.

And of course, the King of the Air 2020,Β Jesse RichmanΒ will be there in February 2021, ready to defend his crown. Riding the King of Kites, theΒ Orbit.Β 

Watch Jesse claim it last yearΒ hereΒ and get to know the King in a Q&AΒ here.Β 

Want to try or buy the King of the Kites, the Orbit? Head to yourΒ local North dealer.Β 

We're SO excited to see what will happen in KOTA 2021, are you? Follow us onΒ InstagramΒ to stay up to date.Β