North: Here’s to Jesse Richman.
Here’s to our first Red Bull King of the Air, when you podiumed on the first Orbit prototype after trying it out for 30 minutes.
Here’s to winning The Crown in 2020.
Here’s to the most epic postcards from Hawai’i, your Next Gen mentoring, winning Rider of the Year twice on North and all the epic projects (who will forget that Pe-ahi shot!).
We will all miss you, your energy, and knowledge of the industry. It’s been a pleasure working with you and working behind the scenes for you! Wishing you all the best for your next exciting chapter.
With gratitude, all of us here at North.

Jesse: And thank you so much! Shout out to the NZ Marketing Team. It has been such a pleasure working with you all and kicking ass together 🙏🤙🤘
I really appreciate all the love and support you have given me over the years. It truly has been an amazing chapter, and you all made it what it was.