A comfortable low-profile, super lightweight strap set with a V-shaped double front strap. The Free-V Lo allow you to ride offline on both tacks in a more natural stance, resulting in less fatigue in your front knee compared to a centreline stance. They
also provide a flexible tactile reference for easier foot positioning, take-offs and fine-trimming of the foil.
product code: 85003.240037
About the technology
- Flexible low profile
- Lightweight watertight closed cell construction
- V-shaped double front strap
- Dual density soft/firm EVA
- Effective load distribution
- Low-profile micro-adjustment washers
- Ideal for wing foiling / prone foiling / kite foiling
1x Low-profile Foot Strap, 1x V-shaped Low-profile Foot Strap, 15x 6.3x25mm Screws, 4x Free-Lo Strap Washers, 1x Free-Lo 45deg Strap Washer

Flexible low profile
Strap lays flat against the deck while prone paddling and allows you to stand on the strap when not in use
V-shaped double front strap
Allows you to position your foot closer to the centreline of the board for greater control. The V-strap is ergonomically angled for easy entrance and a locked-in feel, with the entry angle of the strap slightly more open than the toe-side.
Dual density
Soft/firm EVA for comfort and durability.
Lightweight closed cell construction.
Effective load distribution
Internal composite structural reinforcement.
Low-profile washers.Flexible low profile
V-shaped double front strap
Dual density
Effective load distribution

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